بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
الحمد لله ربي العالمين و العاقبة للمتقين والصلاة والسلام علي اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين
It truly gives me great pleasure to write few words in regards to this institution, Although I was born near the institution I did not feel the close link to this until I myself studied the Alim Kameelah course which allowed me to explore the beauty in the Islamic institutions which is rich in Qur’anic knowledge, Prophetic traditions, and Spirituality to name a few, it was thereafter that I saw my honourable father arduously working to raise funds and complete the much needed work to the institution. I can honestly say that he has been the sole fund raiser till this present day. It made me realize that when someone sincerely dedicates their life to the cause of Deen, they only see that as their only objective in life, and this has been the case for my father. Despite having a family and a full-time profession, he has managed with the grace of Allah to ensure that the institution keeps running. My words do not do any justice in expressing the hard work put in by my father into this institution; all I can say is that may Allah bless him with good health and keep his shadow amongst us for years to come.
This institution has long served the community and has produced some remarkable scholars, some of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting. They are the scions and ambassadors of the institution. It is my sincere hope that I will do my utmost to assist in the process of taking this institution into the future. My aims for this institution are to be able to produce scholars who will be highly qualified both in the religious and mainstream sciences in order to cater for the development of their social environment, ensuring that classical teachings remain at the heart of the education system. We hope to further and expand students’ intellectual thinking to the level of the orthodox Sufi teachings which elevates individuals to various spiritual facets.
We are facing some difficult times as Islamic teachings are being distorted. I feel it necessary to accommodate and imbed the classical thinking into the minds of our students. This will be a complex task, but with the will of Allah and nazre karam of the Prophet , we are hoping this will take shape slowly but surely.
My heartfelt thanks to you the visitor for sparing few moments to visit this site, I request you to look through all the sections to gain a better understating of the institution. I also request that you do remember us in your prayers so that we can continue to assist this institution and work for Islam. I also take this opportunity to thank all those who have been integral in the shaping of this site, may Allah (SWT) bless you all abundantly.
Moulana Shakir Ahmed (B.A. Hons, M.A, M.A)